dimanche 6 mai 2012


Hello everybody,
In this new post I would like to present you the starting point of my new personal project. involving this 6 kids
They all have their own personality.
I want to push the details as much as I can, and make every step at its maximum.
Also I want to spend time on it to give me the opportunity to learn more
The idea behind it, is to progress while working on a global and nice project.


Bonjour à tous,
Sur ce nouveau poste, je vous présente le point de départ de mon nouveau projet personnel. 
J'ai créé ces 6 enfants ayant chacun leurs propres styles.
Je souhaite, pousser les détails assez loin, en faisant chaque étape au maximum.
Je compte passer du temps dessus pour apprendre encore plus.
L’idée c'est de pouvoir progresser en travaillant sur un projet sympa est complet.


3 commentaires:

  1. great project. ¿is it going to be cg animated or traditional?

    cheers and see you around!

  2. Thank you for you comments.
    If we are going to animation is will be CG animation. Right now it is planed to be plain illustrations, but who knows maybe animation can come into place later on.

    Thank you

  3. Great, I will keep an eye on it :)
